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"Now You Are 18" is Now an Ebook!

Download your free copy of Now You Are 18 from Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kindle, plus many, many more! 

Take a Peak at the Chapters of "Now You Are 18" for Texas Teens
(click on the icon to see the entire chapter)

Copyright (c) 1987 TEXAS LAWYERS AUXILARY. All rights reserved.

Survival Guide

Welcome to the adult world! NOW YOU ARE 18 has been prepared especially for you. Our purpose is to explain to you what some of your new rights are. 

Now You Are an Adult 

When does a person become an “adult”? In Texas, as in most
states, you become an adult at age 18. Each state may determine its own “age of majority.”


What are the requirements for voting? Every citizen of the United States, 18 years of age or older who is a resident of the State.

Jury Duty

Why is jury service important? The United States Constitution
and the Texas Constitution guarantee all people, regardless of race, religion, sex, national origin, or economic status, the right to trial by an impartial jury.


Is driving a right or a privilege? It is a privilege that the State of
Texas regulates. You must pass a written test and a driving test
before you are issued a driver’s license. 

Drinking Laws

May the state change the drinking age? Yes. Buying beer, wine, or liquor is considered a privilege rather than a right, so a state may change the drinking age.

Criminal Charges

If someone is arrested for a criminal offense, what does he or she have a right to expect from the arresting officer(s)? If arrested, you can expect to be thoroughly searched for  weapons, handcuffed, and taken to a police station unless the offense is a minor one like a traffic violation. 


What is a contract? A contract is any agreement between two or more people from which each receives some benefit.
Can I make a contract before turning 18? Yes, but as a minor you could have terminated most contracts. 


How do I get a good credit rating? A credit rating, or "credit worthiness,”
measures your ability to repay a debt. This can be established
by a past record of completing payments or by showing
a regular salary or other source of money. 

Consumer Protection

What are some consumer protection laws and what do they do? State regulations have been adopted in many areas including term paper sales, motor vehicle sales and repairs, home solicitation selling, and home improvement contracts.

Marriage, Divorce and Children

When can a person marry without parents’ consent? At age 18, you can marry without the consent of your parents.
What is the youngest age at which a person can marry with par-ents’ consent? The youngest age at which a person may marry with parents’ consent is 16.


Must a lease be written to be enforceable? No, unless the lease is for longer than one year.  What are the advantages of having a written lease?
• You will have a better idea of all your rights and obligations.
• You will have protection gainst dishonesty.• You will have protection against poor memories.


Must an employer give employees a written contract? No. Texas has “at will” employment. An employment contract is a rarity in Texas because employers do not like to hinder by contract their ability to fire an employee.

Military Service

At what age can a person enlist in the armed forces? A person can enlist as early as age 17, with parental consent, and at 18, without. Both males and females can choose to enlist in any branch of the military. Enlistees must be citizens of the United States or immigrant aliens with immigration and naturalization papers.


In 2015 , the Texas Legislature amended the State’s truancy law to raise the ceiling for compulsory student attendance from age 17 to age 18.


State Bar of Texas for lawyer referral services
800-204-2222 option 7 • http://www.texasbar.com
Attorney General of Texas, Consumer Protection
800-621-0508 • http://www.oag.state.tx.us

This material is a summary of the laws, as they existed in Sep-tember 2017 at the time of publication. This is GENERAL and BASIC information only. Laws are constantly changing. Excep-tions and special circumstances exist. You should see legal ad-vice from an attorney of your choice who can take into account all of the factors relevant to your particular situation.

Copyright (c) 1987  TEXAS LAWYERS AUXILARY.  All rights reserved.

"Your Legal Rights" 

Now available as an Ebook!
"Your Legal Rights” was developed out of the need to reach a wider portion of society also in need of knowing their legal rights and responsibilities.  This downloadable book is directed toward adults in reading classes, citizenship classes, GED, and remedial classes.  It has been designed for a wider usage than only the State of Texas.  The information in it provides guidance in everyday living, helping the reader to make good decisions, gain self-confidence, become a better citizen, and function as an independent adult. It should be useful in those states which have a high percentage of adults in literacy, English as a second language, and citizenship classes 
Your Legal Rights Ebook
Click here to download "Your Legal Rights"

Download an Individual Chapter!

Awards, Scholarship and Service

Texas Lawyers Auxiliary  

This award honors public and private high school teachers in the State of Texas who have made significant contributions in the area of law-related education.

Application Deadline is June 30

Congratulations to our 2023 Teacher of the Year -
Kevin Pumphrey
Tom C. Clark High School 
San Antonio, Texas

The Judging committee for the Texas Lawyers Auxiliary, Law - Related Education Teacher of the year, is pleased to announce their selection for the award. Mr. Kevin Pumphrey, a Social Studies teacher at Tom C. Clark High School, Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas is this year’s winner. Mr. Pumphrey will receive his award, which includes $1500, at the TLA fall meeting in Austin, Texas on Oct. 9 2023.  

Candidates for the prestigious award applied from across the state. Applicants were scored by the judges based on curriculum, programs, law related education, an essay, AP scores, impact on the school community and enriching their students. 

Mr. Pumphrey was selected because of his outstanding leadership of the Model United Nations program at Tom C. Clark High School, his positive impact on students and faculty and devotion to expansion of knowledge in this field. He has been an educator for 27 years, and he is currently the coordinator of social studies programs at Tom C. Clark High school. 

The Texas Lawyers Auxiliary is a non-profit organization which includes local auxiliary groups who raise money for legal scholarships, volunteer and mentor in various areas and are involved in legal education within their communities. Their mission, as stated is: 

“To promote an understanding and appreciation of the American legal system. To recommend projects to affiliates and members in cooperation with the State Bar of Texas. To recognize outstanding volunteer service. To promote law¬related education, citizenship awareness, and public service advocacy.”

Click here for TOY Award Details and an Application Click here for to download a printable copy of the Poster

Texas Law-Related Education Teachers may also apply next year for the 
2024 American Lawyers Alliance Teacher of the Year Award
For over fifty years the American Lawyers Alliance has been active in its support of public education, citizenship awareness and various service programs. Recognizing the vital role that teachers play in law-related education, the ALA continues to sponsor its annual Teacher of the Year Awards.

History and Tradition

The Texas Lawyers Auxiliary assists the Archives Division of the State Bar of Texas in preserving histories of lawyers and spouses who contribute prominently to the Texas legal profession and to important legal milestones.

Civic Education Resources

The Texas Lawyers Auxiliary is pleased to offer a variety of resources for Civics Teachers that range from elementary school through high school.  We plan for this to become a one-stop-shop for Texas Civics Teachers!

A big thank you to the Texas State Bar Law-Related Education Division to allow us to promote their matierals!
Civic Education Resources

State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting

TLA assists the State Bar of Texas staff with publicity in Texas Lawyers Auxiliary about the annual meeting and supports its activities during the event.
June 20 - 21, 202$
Dallas, Texas
Anatole Hotel

Other Awards and Scholarships

The Texas Lawyers Auxiliary gives special recognition to groups and individuals who have participated in TLA projects and law-focused activities.  We also encourage and guide our state-wide auxiliaries to establish awards for outstanding public service by local lawyers.  We also look for opportunities to develop funds to further student educational services.

Children's Book Project

We will be collecting books during the State Bar Annual Meeting.  In the past, we have donated to Texas CASA and Dell's Children's Hospital..
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